Saturday, May 30, 2009

yo quiero Taquito

I remember going to my friend Meghan's house when I was in junior high. We used to call her house "frozen food heaven" because her mom had a huge freezer in the garage that they kept full of all sorts of goodies that I try to make a habit of staying away from now (in order to keep my girlish figure).  My favorite item was the Taquitos. Ever had them? It's like the Mexican version of pulled pork wrapped up in a mini tortilla and fried. yumm.

Anyway, my mother-in-law pulled them out tonight for us to snack on before dinner. I felt like I was 12 again. I was torn between putting them in the microwave, which would deliver the fried goodness to me in less than 5 minutes, and putting them in the oven, which I would have to wait longer for, but they would be perfectly crisp when they got out. I voted against instant gratification and popped them in the oven.

True to form, I could wait 15 minutes to cook them, but I couldn't wait the 5 minutes required to cool them. I burnt my tongue. But every 270 calorie bite was worth it.

Live la vida loca; eat a taquito tonight.


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