Thursday, April 2, 2009


I have to be honest, I still have no idea how to defragment my computer. As a matter of fact, I don't know how to do anything on a computer that isn't required in my every day life. In college I would have to call on my friend Libby whenever my computer needed an overhaul. 

Today, my brain needs defragmenting. You know how they say you only use about 3% of your brain? (or is it 30%? either way..) I've been trying to stretch the other 97% this week and I'm tired. I've been busy solving the problems of the universe (if you want to know how we can achieve world peace, I'm your girl). This whole week seemed to be exceptionally full of thinking, philosophizing, theologizing (it's a word now), and lots of other things that I'm pretty much on the 'less than qualified' side of. 

If you know how to defragment a brain, call me.


Lena said...

I don't know about you but a good massage always helps to defragment mine...I had a great one today and now dont have a care in the world :)

David and Marianne said...

LAUGH!! and then laugh some more : ) I think it is one of the most spiritual things you can do!

Anonymous said...

Defragmenting is one of the reasons I love to be up late at night. I love the quiet and calm of the evening to reflect on my busy day, and I really crave those times to be able to defragment my mental hardrive. I have a tendency to over analyze everything, so sometimes I defrag too much! But I think it is really valuable to stop and reflect and put life in perspective.
