Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Moral of the Story...

I just got off the phone with a friend who went through some amazing, life-changing spiritual experience with God, and yet was afraid to share too much about it because it was so fresh.  He was scared that he would jump to the lesson too fast.  

I have been reading 1 and 2 Samuel, and it has totally captivated me.  I get so wrapped up in the story lines and how David and Saul and Jonathan and all the other characters interact.  Yet when my wife asked me to explain what it was that was pulling me in so much, I found it hard to put into words.  And when I did, it sounded nothing like what was going on in my heart.

A few months ago I went to see The Dark Knight with some friends, and one of them, as soon as we walked out of the theater, was asking us about the themes of the movie and what it said about God and how we should respond to it.  I appreciated his thoughts, but all of a sudden, the power of the movie was boxed up and packaged and no longer relevant.

There's one lecture from college about physics of all things that comes back in my mind fairly regularly.  It was about Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, which is loosely related to the "observer effect", which states that just by observing something, you change it.

These stories and several like them have been weaving through my mind recently.  I'd hate to ruin it by trying to pull out an application.  All I'll say is that I think there is something to just being a part of the story.

1 comment:

Kenyon and Michelle said...

Thanks so much. I feel like commenting on the picture you painted might shatter it's affect, but it made me feel refreshed, wiser and peacefully hesitant. I appreciate your sharing... Mitch