Wednesday, November 18, 2009

An Ode to the blue flour canister

Oh blue flour canister
how I love thee
for my happiness when I walk into the kitchen,
you have been a key

I love that with a tint of blue
I can see how much flour you hold
I remember the day I got you
during a shower just after I got my wisdom teeth pulled

it stunk to empty your contents
and pack you away
I'll miss you while I'm in India
maybe I'll use you again someday.

Promise me you'll stay in style
so that upon my return
I can take you out of that blasted box
and together we can satisfy a cookie yearn.

love, me


Jason said...

You're a poet! I was unaware of that.
I like the poem. Is it an allegory or something? :)

Mark Wright said...

Nice ode to the flour jar. Now how about an ode to your old man!