Monday, September 6, 2010

Time to brag

Last week, Neil told me that there was a function going on at Cognizant (the company where he does accent modification/customer service/corporate etiquette trainings) and that I was invited to come. I wasn't sure why I was invited since I don't do regular trainings, but I figured it was just a matter of providing as many people as possible to represent our company. This morning, we arrive at the function and I slowly start piecing together that this is not what I expected it to be. My suspicions are confirmed when they begin giving out awards. Lo and behold, about 15 minutes in they call Neil's name and he is awarded the "Top Trainer" award in his division. Later, I discovered that this was especially awesome because they determined the winners by going through trainee evaluations and the results they see coming from the trainings. I was (am) so proud! Neil has taken his role as a trainer very seriously. He has a lot of natural gifts in the area, but he has also been faithful to develop what God has already given him. He spends days off working through curriculum, seeks to know each trainee individually, loves getting to spend time with trainees outside of the classroom, frequently shares lunch with them to learn more about their culture and who they are as individuals and most of all he is faithful to pray for each group that comes through. He really cares for each person who comes into his classroom. I'm sure it's obvious by now, but this is one proud wife!

I'm thankful that we serve a God who wants us to draw satisfaction from our work. I'm also thankful that we serve a God who loves us and blesses us with great husbands!


Cindy said...

Of course, that would be Neil. No surprise. I'm so proud of both of you! Love you guys!

Mark Wright said...

Congratulations! Not surprising about you but certainly awesome! Court, it takes a great wife to make a successful man... :)
Keep loving His people.

sarah said...

Wish we could have been there to cheer for you when you were called up to receive your award!!!
We are always proud of you but love it when you are recognized publicly for who you naturally are....A great person!!!
I'm so glad that years ago in our kitchen you were able to begin using your gifts of teaching & training with me while making cookie dough ;) remember?