Friday, October 23, 2009


The Miller's are closed for business.

So we went to get round 1 of our vaccines yesterday (this may be misleading, because calling it 'round 1' would give you the impression that it was our first visit to the 'vaccine doctor'. No. In fact, it was our third. We assume God was using these failed attempts & run-ins with bureaucracy to better prepare us for India. half full, right?). We got some depressing news while we were there (apparently vaccines cost a lot of money, particularly the one for Japanese Encephalitis). BUT, drum roll please...

we got our swine flu vaccine. for free. without standing in a line. I know, I know, my mother in law has already informed us that people have been standing in line only to find out that their office of choice has run out of the precious nectar. Neil and I didn't even plan on getting it yesterday. In the midst of our doctor going through all of the necessary vaccines for India, he said, "Oh and we have the H1N1 vaccine if you want it. It's free."

It was a much appreciated surprise in the midst of some frustrating experiences.

oh, and Neil got a sucker, too.
God always seems to offer light right when we need it.

1 comment:

Lena said...

I can totally picture that and it makes me you guys!